CBD for Cancer: The Ins and Outs

CBD or Cannabidiol is one of the main Cannabinoids that is produced by the cannabis plant. It’s grown rapidly across the world as a natural medicine due to its pain relief. It can deliver many benefits to the body and many suggest that CBD is perhaps one of the best natural products for the treatment of cancer on the market. 

CBD as a cancer treatment can help to manage the symptoms that occur during the treatment as well as throughout the occurrence of the disease. Initial results on cancer cells and CBD have been promising but there are no conclusive results available at this time. As more trials occur we can find out more about the effects of CBD on cancer cells at their core. 

CBD works as a complementary therapy for cancer treatment:

 It can stimulate appetite during the process of treatment and help cancer patients to maintain a healthy weight. 

CBD also helps by assisting with the symptoms of nausea throughout chemotherapy. This is especially true with hybrid strains that come with a THC benefit as well.

They can contribute to pain relief as well as reduce inflammation of the internal organs. When pain is most severe, using CBD can act as a natural pain relief while preventing ongoing inflammation which can cause pain to start again.

Please understand that hemp CBD and cannabis CBD are not the same medicine. Many have tried hemp CBD throughout the country because it is legal. However, cannabis CBD is much more powerful medicine. It delivers more profound results. 

CBD and prevention:

There’ve been some previous studies on the use of CBD in the prevention of cancer. More research is needed but the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD have been shown in small studies to reduce the growth rate of cancer cells. 

The overall side effects of CBD are also quite low. If you are taking CBD in an oil you won’t receive any of the carcinogens that occur from smoking medical cannabis products high in CBD. Other small side effects include changes in weight, changes in appetite, fatigue and occasional diarrhea. These small side effects are considerably better than any side effects from chemical pain relief methods.

This post was written by Adam Gillman. Adam is a co-owner and expert at Clique Cannabis. Clique Cannabis is a Maywood dispensary providing top notch cannabis products to the South-East Los Angeles area.