How To Speak To a Loved One About Addiction

If you have someone you care about struggling with addiction in Utah, you may worry about overstepping boundaries or making the problem worse by speaking to them about seeking treatment. The truth is that if you know your loved one is showing signs of substance abuse, it is important to confront it. Starting the dialogue could be the turning point that triggers your loved one to seek out addiction treatment.

Before speaking to your loved one about the concerns you have about their addiction, understand that they may not be ready to listen to what you have to say or seek treatment centers in Utah. At times there will be a denial that it is a problem, or they may find it difficult to accept. In these situations, it is vital to listen to what your loved one has to say so they may open up about their struggle with addiction, and use the right questions to guide them. Opening up communication will help your loved one feel they are not alone and help work toward acknowledging that they have a problem getting them closer to the addiction treatment they need.

Starting the conversation can be the hardest part of helping a loved one seek addiction treatment in Utah. You want to do your best to approach it gently. Some conversation starters that can help with someone you are concerned with struggling with addiction are, “I wanted to check in with you, you haven’t seemed yourself lately” or “I have noticed you have been acting differently lately. I am wondering how you are doing?” Once they begin to open up, you can transition to questions like “Do you feel as if you are trying to escape or forget something?” Or “What can I do to best support you?” Keep in mind that you are there to provide support and not fix the problem or provide treatment. Remember to listen and respond appropriately with phrases such as, “I want you to know that you are not alone. Even if that is how it feels.” Or “I am here for you, and I would like to help in any way that I can.”

Once you have opened the dialogue and your loved one can admit that they have an addiction, the next step is to seek treatment. There are many different types of addiction treatment, and no solution is one size fits all. Seeking professional help in Utah with treatment centers or physicians is always beneficial. Still, local Utah support systems such as Alcoholics Anonymous can also be a good starting point for treatment. Make sure to check-in and be encouraging. Those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol may feel they are unworthy or not strong enough to recover, but with family and friends, they can be reminded that things can and will get better and that they can overcome addiction.

Journey Treatment Center is an addiction treatment facility in Utah that uses a combination of a twelve-step program combined with a holistic approach.