Menopause Symptoms: What To Watch Out For

Risky Menopause Symptoms: How And When to Identify by Women

The shift to menopause, also known as perimenopause, could be difficult for many women. With Womens Healthcare Physicians menopause, estrogen levels fall precipitously and remain low. Estrogen is an essential hormone for many bodily activities; thus, it is likely that you will experience major consequences due to its fluctuations. While the most typical sign of menopause is not experiencing your menses for almost a year, there are numerous other signs you should look out for. Check out this post to learn more.

You Have Night Sweats or Hot Flashes

Reduced estrogen levels trigger night sweats or hot flashes. These concerns are the most prevalent menopausal symptom as three out of four women are reported to experience hot flashes. Nighttime hot flashes might potentially interrupt sleep. As a result of the profuse sweating caused by hot flashes, these bouts are referred to as night sweats.

These symptoms could begin during perimenopause, when you still have menses. The duration of hot flashes following the cessation of menstruation varies from one woman to another.

You Have Trouble Sleeping

You might encounter difficulty sleeping as a symptom of menopause. Throughout menopause, progesterone levels decline, rendering it difficult to drift off to sleep and remain asleep. Constant urination is a typical perimenopause symptom that could also keep you awake at night. Hot flashes and night sweats may also impede sleep.

You Experience Mood Shifts

Fluctuating hormone levels might trigger emotional shifts or mood swings. You could become more worried or agitated than before. Depression is a prevalent symptom of perimenopause and menopause.

During this phase, some women also experience a decline in sexual desire. This reduced sexual desire could result from hormonal swings and the stress of managing other symptoms. Once the symptoms have subsided, sexual desire can return.

You Suffer Bone Loss

Another prevalent symptom of menopause is bone loss, also known as osteoporosis. This condition causes bones to become brittle and fragile. This condition raises the likelihood of fractures.

In the first phases of menopause, bone density could drop quickly. Therefore, discuss with your physician what you may do to safeguard your bone health throughout menopause to reduce your chance of potentially major fractures.

You Put On Weight

As women grow older, they could become more susceptible to weight gain. This weight gain could result from normal aging or hormonal fluctuations associated with menopause. Some women might also add weight if they lose mobility or become less active.

Nonetheless, throughout menopause, it is usual for weight to fluctuate even if the figure on the scale remains the same. Your waistline can expand, and body fat can shift.

Although it may appear that much will change throughout menopause, do not worry too much. Your OBGYN will provide you with information about therapies that can assist you in controlling your symptoms so that you can navigate the cycle as smoothly as possible. At Women’s Healthcare Physicians of Naples, the physicians are dedicated to offering women of all ages hormone replacement therapy. Schedule a consultation today through mobile or book online to discuss your concerns and explore your care options.