The Do’s and Don’ts of Cannabis Impairment Detection

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In many countries, employers need to determine whether their employees are impaired by drugs or alcohol while driving or in a work context. In most cases, drug testing and breathalyzer tests are not enough to ascertain this information. Private companies and governments alike have been exploring ways to test whether a person is currently under the influence of cannabis so that they can take necessary safety measures. This article explores the different methods of detecting cannabis impairment.




  • Use a Standard Field Sobriety Test – You can administer a Standard Field Sobriety Test to gauge a person’s impairment levels. If they fail the test, you can use it as proof in court that they are indeed impaired. 
  • Use a Drug Recognition Expert – In addition to the Standard Field Sobriety Test, you can use a DRT or Drug Recognition Expert. A DRT is trained in identifying the signs of drug-related impairment. 
  • Use an oral fluid test – Oral fluid tests detect THC-COOH, the metabolized form of THC, in the saliva. This can help you determine whether a person has recently consumed cannabis. 
  • Use a blood test – Blood tests are considered to be the most accurate method for determining cannabis impairment. However, they are more invasive than other methods.




  • Don’t rely on just one method – It is important to use more than one method to confirm cannabis impairment. This will help ensure that the results are accurate. 
  • Don’t test the blood of someone who has recently consumed cannabis – Blood tests can detect THC-COOH in the blood for up to six hours after a person has consumed cannabis. This means that blood tests are better suited for 24-hour cannabis users. 
  • Don’t use saliva as a test for cannabis impairment – While saliva tests can detect THC-COOH, they are not considered an accurate method for confirming cannabis impairment.


Why is Marijuana Impairment Detection Important


Preventing accidents and injuries, improving productivity, and preventing employee absenteeism are just a few of the many reasons why employers should be concerned about cannabis impairment detection in the workplace. 


  • Prevent accidents and injuries – Emotional and mental impairment can reduce an employee’s ability to focus and make good decisions. This can result in accidents and injuries while on the job, which can lead to costly lawsuits. 
  • Improve productivity – Employees who are under the influence of cannabis may be slow and lethargic, which can affect productivity and hurt your bottom line. 
  • Prevent employee absenteeism – Employees who have a cannabis use disorder may have to take time off from work because of their dependence. 
  • Protect your brand’s reputation – If your employees are under the influence of cannabis and are photographed by the media, this can tarnish your brand’s reputation.


As legalization continues to spread, employers will face increasing problems with cannabis impairment in the workplace. Fortunately, there are many ways that employers can detect cannabis impairment. However, it is important to use more than one method to confirm cannabis impairment.