What You Need to Know about Arthritis

Arthritis may occur due to various issues such as injuries, wear and tear of the cartilage in joints, infections, or autoimmune disease. You may be prone to getting arthritis if you have a family history of arthritis, old or excessive weight. Women are also likely to have arthritis compared to men. Usually, there are over 100 types of arthritis, and symptoms vary depending on the specific type of arthritis. The arthritis Rockville specialist Suresh Malik, MD, offers integrative care to reduce your pain and prevent severe damage. Here is an informative guide about arthritis.

What is arthritis?

It describes various conditions with joint inflammation, stiffness, and pain. Arthritis may occur at any age, but it’s more common in older people. It affects any joint in the body.

Without proper treatments, arthritis may become severe after some time, causing permanent joint damage or disability.

What are the different types of arthritis?

The most common forms of arthritis include:

Rheumatoid arthritis

It occurs when your immune system strikes your joints’ lining causing stiffness and joint inflammation.


It is the most typical type of arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage that shields the bones in your joints gets damaged. Osteoarthritis develops over time.

Psoriatic arthritis

It develops in people with psoriasis. It is a skin condition that causes the overproduction of skin cells, causing red and scaly patches to develop on your skin.

Psoriatic arthritis causes the immune system to assail the healthy tissues and cells on your joints, leading to pain and inflammation.


It’s a painful form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up in the blood. The excess uric acid forms needle-like crystals which sink in your joints, causing swelling and pain. Gout usually affects the big toe joint.

What to expect during arthritis evaluation?

The team at Quality Primary Care performs a comprehensive health evaluation and not only on arthritis. Your provider assesses your symptoms and reviews your medical history. They also conduct a physical exam while closely monitoring the affected joints.

Your provider may request lab work and run some diagnostic tests to determine the severity of the damage and the exact type of arthritis.

What are the treatments for arthritis?

Usually, there is no cure for arthritis. Your provider offers treatments to reduce your pain and promote healthy living.

Your provider comes up with a personalized treatment plan to cater to your specific needs. Some available treatment options include physical therapy, activity modification, weight loss, anti-inflammatory medication, and joint injections. Treating any underlying conditions can also relieve pain.

With an early arthritis diagnosis, you can prevent permanent joint damage or disability.

If you already have severe joint damage or do not respond to medical treatments, your provider may suggest joint surgery from an orthopedic surgeon.

Arthritis involves multiple diseases that cause joint pain and inflammation. Arthritis has no specific cure, but your provider may recommend a treatment option to minimize your pain and inflammation.

Contact Quality Primary Care today to schedule your consultation or book your appointment online.