Can protein powder and creatine be mixed together?

If you want to create an effective training routine for yourself, you need to be able to fuel yourself. At this time, you should notice a significant improvement in performance after using protein drinks or other training supplements like creatine. Creatine, another widely used supplement, has the ability to help boost your exercises and get you closer to your goals in the same way that caffeine does. 

The Matter of Feasibility

Is it feasible to take two separate supplements that contain completely different components, yet combine them to give yourself superhuman strength? In other words, can you mix creatine with protein powder?

The short answer is no, mixing two different vitamins will not provide you any superhuman skills or perks; however, you may experience certain benefits depending on the supplements you take. In this piece, I’ll examine the potential benefits of adding creatine to your protein shake, as well as whether or not doing so is suggested. On top of that, we’ll check at whether or not there are any drawbacks to keep an eye out for.  

What is creatine, and why do people take it? 

Muscle cells are responsible for producing creatine, a naturally occuring substance. This supplement is often used by those who want to increase their muscle mass or endurance during physical activity because of the belief that it is among the most effective of its kind. Only when supplied in supplement form is it generated synthetically, and the most common synthetic form is the creatine monohydrate found in supplements.

Creatine, as reported by Cooper et al. (2012), may help provide the body with additional energy during high-intensity activities by increasing phosphocreatine stores in the muscles. 

Your body needs energy in order to perform throughout exercise, and especially during high-intensity training. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the main molecule that provides energy for our cells. Humans can store enough ATP for around ten seconds of low-intensity exercise, like walking, or high-intensity activity, such sprinting at full speed. At this point, your body’s ability to produce ATP at a pace adequate for maintaining this level of effort begins to deplete. 

Creatine supplements may aid energy storage, which in turn improves strength and endurance and the body’s ability to gain muscular growth (Casey and Greenhaff, 2000). Taking a creatine supplement may help your body retain more energy since phosphocreatine is needed to build new adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in your cells during high intensity activities.

If you mix protein powder with creatine, what are the benefits?  

Although creatine and protein powder have different chemical structures, their effects on the body as a whole are similar. This is because their activities inside the body and the sections of the body they concentrate on are different. While protein powders aim to increase protein synthesis in muscles and speed up recovery time post-workout, creatine helps to boost your exercise tolerance, which may have a positive impact on both of those factors. 


Creatine, like protein supplements, may help to build muscle and improve exercise performance, but it also has some unique benefits of its own. For instance, taking creatine supplements may help muscle cells hold on to some water that they would have lost normally via perspiration. Because of this, we can work out more effectively when the temperature outside is greater.