If you are a parent with a picky eater in your house, you need to find a food that is fun and can be eaten without hesitation. The best way to do this is to find a snack food that is as good for you as it is interesting to view.
A Great Lunchbox Treat
Today, you can buy cheese in stringy shapes and forms as well as emojis that make snack time more fun. You can insert the packages easily into your child’s lunchbox without worrying about the overall nutritional value. When you choose fun emoji shapes and strings in cheese, you can be assured that your child will receive what he or she needs in Vitamin D and calcium.
Each bag contains only about 70 calories and the cheese does not contain any artificial ingredients. Therefore, you can meet your child’s calcium needs in a fun way. You can also provide these kinds of fun shapes in yoghurt. This no-mess treat is available in chocolate, raspberry, and strawberry flavours.
As with cheese, fun yoghurt shapes are a rich source of calcium and are free of artificial flavours, colours, or preservatives. You might call this product thickened yoghurt on a stick. As with all dairy Strings & Things cheeses and yoghurts, the foods can be added to the lunchbox. However, because these are dairy treats, you should make sure that you use an insulated lunchbox. That way, they will remain cool and tasty.
The yoghurt snacks can be frozen too and only contain a mere 3.2g of sugar. If you compare that to other similar snacks it is much lower. When children eat too much sugar, they may end up obese, diabetic, or behaviourally aggressive. Unfortunately, that does not prevent children from consuming sugary snacks.
Some gummy fruit snacks, for instance, are made up of mostly sugar. Therefore, parents should not consider them as nutritious as real fruit but basically sweets. If you want to find a fruity-type snack with added nutrition, choose the yoghurt on the stick.
Also, consider that whilst fish can be an excellent protein source, it also contains high amounts of mercury. The worst offenders are tilefish, canned tuna, and swordfish. Therefore, it is better to give your child a cheese with a mild taste as researchers have found that this is the taste that kids like.
Some Foods Aren’t What They Seem
While you may think that a food item such as a granola bar is healthy, it really is closer to some sweets. Not only does the bar offers little in the form of fibre or protein but it contains a lot of sugar. Whilst some granola bars provide some nutrition, many of the bars contain high-fructose corn syrup and other sugars.
Healthy dairy choices, when presented in a fun way, make it possible for your child to really look forward to and enjoy snack time or lunch. By giving your child emojis and string cheese in a package, you can keep track of his or her nutrition.
Cheese can be part of a healthy, balanced diet for children and even interest them if it is packaged and made for kids. This dairy source is good for young children as it balances out their needs of vitamin A, protein, vitamin D, and calcium.