When Should You Consult A Fertility Specialist?

Approximately 10% of women in the United States experience problems conceiving or remaining pregnant. Infertility is the failure to conceive after one or more years of unprotected sexual activity. While issues with ovulation are responsible for some cases of infertility, there are several additional potential explanations. Your infertility doctor at University Reproductive Associates will assess your condition to establish whether there is an identifiable reason for infertility and administer appropriate therapy. Meanwhile, continue reading to discover some common reasons for your infertility concerns that warrant a specialist consultation.

You Have a Recognized Reproductive Problem

Often, women experiencing fertility problems can attribute it to an identifiable medical concern. Common concerns include:

  • Uterine fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI)

Whether your specific condition causes problems with egg production, fertilization, or holding the pregnancy, your doctor can help. Once your condition is treated, your chances of getting pregnant improve significantly.

You Are Above 40

Thanks to technological advancements, giving birth above 40 is safer than ever. Nevertheless, there are potential hazards and complications associated with attempting to conceive. Age impacts both egg quality and egg number. Age-related deterioration in egg quality increases the risk of miscarriage in women. Before attempting to conceive, you might want to visit your doctor to understand the dangers.

You Have Tried for Over a Year

If you have tried getting pregnant for over a year (or six months for women above 35 years), it is advisable to have an expert assessment. Your fertility doctor can help you establish the cause of your inability to conceive and provide treatment alternatives.

You Have a Thyroid Disorder

One in eight women will acquire a thyroid ailment throughout her lifetime, and up to 60% of people with thyroid conditions are unaware of their illness. Hypothyroidism is one of the most prevalent thyroid diseases caused by an underactive thyroid. Reduced amounts of thyroid hormone might affect ovulation and create irregular menses.

Before getting pregnant, it is essential to check your thyroid hormone levels if you have an identified thyroid condition. Your fertility doctor can work with you to manage your thyroid hormone to sustain a healthy pregnancy and lower the danger of miscarriage; thus, increasing your likelihood of conceiving.

You Have Experienced Several Miscarriages

Up to 20% of all pregnancies result in a miscarriage. Though miscarriages are terrible to endure, they do not indicate infertility. If you have had more than two miscarriages, you should arrange an assessment to check if there is an identifiable underlying cause. Miscarriages could stem from anatomic problems, changing hormone levels, genetic abnormalities, infections, cervical problems, or other underlying factors treatable with medical care.

You Have Cancer

Cancer therapy can affect a woman’s potential to conceive, based on the type of therapy, dosage, and age. If your physician has recently identified you with cancer, you could take proactive steps to safeguard your fertility. If you have already received therapy, your fertility doctor will evaluate you to see whether it affected your fertility.

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, you are not alone! Infertility concerns affect numerous women and often have a huge impact on their relationships. Therefore, do not hesitate to seek expert attention and care. Your fertility doctor in New Jersey will take time to understand your unique concerns and develop a tailored care plan for you, be it medications or invasive procedures. Call the office near you or request an appointment online to learn more.