Chlamydia Symptoms and Treatment Options

What is chlamydia? Chlamydia, also known as the infection of choice for vaginal or anal intercourse is a STD (sexually transmitted disease) that occurs when bacteria are transmitted via the skin of an infected individual. Chlamydia is easily one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) – if not the most prevalent. It’s not uncommon to see one or two women being diagnosed with Chlamydia every single year – that’s over 1 million new cases reported every year. Chlamydia does not discriminate – no one is immune from becoming infected. Canada Home Testing is a great resource on STI Tests.

Chlamydia symptoms typically occur during the act of unprotected sex, but can also occur without sex. Symptoms of Chlamydia often include: a strong, dry sore or burning sensation down the lower genital region that may not be accompanied by a burning pain or itchiness; a white-ish discharge from the vagina or urethra; and painful urination, either at the time of urination or immediately afterward. If you experience one or all of these symptoms, seek medical attention right away. Chlamydia symptoms can be mild or severe. If you experience multiple symptoms, such as painful urination and discharge, and have unprotected sex in the past, your chances of contracting Chlamydia are increased greatly.

Chlamydia symptoms are very similar to those of a yeast infection (yeast infections can affect any area of the body – but are more commonly seen in the rectum and vagina). Chlamydia symptoms can range anywhere from mild to serious and are often very similar to the symptoms of gonorrhea or genital herpes. If you have a positive test result for chlamydia, it is possible that you have a condition known as “intimate body solicitation”. This is not a serious condition and is not caused by Chlamydia but can be transferred through vaginal intercourse.

Untreated chlamydia can cause a variety of medical complications, including: abdominal pain, infertility, and/or pelvic pain, painful urination, and even organ rupture or death. Untreated chlamydia may even lead to more serious conditions, such as gonorrhea and infecting some of your internal organs. Untreated chlamydia can also cause iron deficiency anemia, bone pain and cramps, and neurological problems. In some extreme cases, untreated chlamydia may even lead to death.

There are several treatments available for chlamydia. Depending on how early in the illness a person has caught it, they can take an antibiotic to treat the symptoms and prevent transmission to sexual partners. Some people will receive treatment for their illness via an open surgical procedure, while others will receive an oral medicine to prevent transmission. Sexual partners of someone with Chlamydia should use a condom every time they have intercourse, or use a barrier if using condoms. The majority of Chlamydia infections can be treated successfully, and with proper treatment can be completely eradicated from the body.

If you think you may have contracted chlamydia, consult with a doctor immediately. Your doctor will perform to confirm if you have the infection, and will offer treatment options. Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics, but if left untreated can result in serious complications, including death. If you think you may have contracted this condition or know that you have, be sure to visit a doctor as soon as possible. With antibiotics, the infection can be easily cured.